Unveiling the Myths and Facts of Flavors

The growing industry of flavors in the culinary industry has naturally led to discussions about flavors that often create perspectives about myths and facts that need to be clarified. Here are some myths and facts about flavors:

Myths: Flavor is Not Safe for Health

In reality, most flavors used in food and beverages have undergone rigorous safety tests before being allowed to be used. Food regulatory bodies, such as the FDA in the United States, EFSA in the European Union, or BPOM in Indonesia, set strict limits and standards for food additives, including flavors.

Myth: Flavors Always Contain Harmful Chemicals

In fact, flavors are often made from chemical compounds, but not all chemical compounds are harmful. Therefore, it is important to understand that not all chemical compounds are harmful, and most flavors have been proven to be safe within the amounts specified for use in food.

Myth: Flavors are Unhealthy

The truth is that in some cases, flavors can help reduce the use of sugar and fat in food products and can also help people control their calorie intake. Therefore, it is not always the case that flavors have an unhealthy impact. By using flavors, food manufacturers can create more delicious products without having to add large amounts of sugar or fat, which can help in efforts to reduce excessive calorie intake.

With advancements in technology and research, many flavor companies like Falmont have adopted more modern and safe production practices. In creating flavor, Falmont ensures that the ingredients used in flavors have passed a series of strict quality controls and regulations.

Falmont, as a flavor company in Southeast Asia, has always focused on the quality of flavors. In that process Falmont has an experienced flavor creation team that excels in creating safe flavors. Falmont selects chemicals with high standards for use in its flavor products and has passed a series of quality tests, including sensory testing, chemical analysis, and other tests. This is done to ensure that each Falmont flavor meets safe quality standards in accordance with regulations before being sent to manufacturers.

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Flavors / Technology
Mar 16, 2024 / 1 min read
Falmont Flavors
Falmont offers remarkable flavor products, research, and technologies that meet industry standards.