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Asian Value Food: The Most Wanted Asian Food

Asian food is increasingly popular and favored by the world community. Various cuisines from different countries in Asia have managed to steal the spotlight for their unique and delicious flavors. Asian food is not only…

Jun 14 · 3 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors

Rendang Flavor: Taste of Indonesian Archipelago in F&B Products

Rendang as a Compelling Flavor Rendang, a Minangkabau dish famous for its long cooking process and rich spices flavor, is one of Indonesia’s most popular cuisines in the world. Rendang’s savory, spicy, and rich flavors…

Jun 14 · 2 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors

Adapting F&B Products to Traditional Culinary Flavors

The Richness and Diversity of Traditional Culinary Cultures Around the World Traditional cuisines around the world reflect an incredible wealth and diversity of cultures. Each country and region has its own unique culinary characteristics, influenced…

Jun 03 · 4 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors, Technology

Soto Flavor from Indonesia

Soto as a Popular Food in Indonesia Indonesia is known for its incredible culinary richness. Each region has its own signature dishes with unique flavors and aromas. One dish that stands out from Indonesia’s culinary…

May 31 · 2 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors

Recommended 5 spicy foods from Asia

Many Asian countries have embedded spicy food in their culinary culture, not only as a flavor but also as a valuable traditional heritage.. The high interest in spicy food among both locals and tourists reflects…

May 24 · 2 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors

Creating Flavors Inspired by Local Drinks in Asia

Asia boasts rich cultural and culinary diversity, including unique and delicious traditional drinks. Falmont, as an innovative flavoring company, has successfully come up with flavor creations with flavors inspired by local Asian drinks or desserts.…

May 24 · 2 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors

Top 5 Spiciest Foods in Asia in 2024

Spicy food is more than just a flavor; it has become part of the culinary culture in many Asian countries. Interest in spicy food is on the rise, both among locals and tourists who want…

May 10 · 3 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors

The Freshness of Thai Tea Flavor

Sweet drinks are always everyone’s favorite. One of the most popular sweet drinks is Thai tea. Thai tea is a typical drink from Thailand that has unique flavor characteristics that can captivate everyone. This drink…

May 02 · 1 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors

Innovation of Kimchi Flavor Inspired by Korean Cuisine

In Asia, every country has a rich variety of unique flavors in their cuisine. From spicy to sweet, each country has its own unique flavor. One of the most popular flavors is kimchi from South…

Apr 05 · 1 min read · Asian Cuisine, Flavors